Book of Joshua/Judge/Ruth Test Welcome to your Book of Joshua/Judge/Ruth Test Full Name E-Mail Phone Number 1. How many spies did Joshua send out to explore Jericho Two Three Seven Twelve None 2. For how many days were the Israelite armed men to walk around Jericho once a day ? Three Days Six Days Two Days One Day None 3. After the death of Moses, what was Joshua instructed to cross over The Desert of Paran The Jordan River The Plains of Moab The Jabbok River None 4. Who carried the ark of the covenant across the Jordan? Joshua and Caleb and their families The priests Twelve elders of Israel Men that God choose by the Urim and Thumim None 5. Who took some of the devoted things from Jericho? Zerah Zimri Achan Elimelech None 6. The people of what town heard of Joshua's defeat of Ai and Jericho and resorted to a ruse? Hebron Gibeon Shechem Shiloh None 7. On the seventh day how many times were the Israelites to walk around Jericho? Once Three times Seven times Twice None 8. Who is Othniel's older brother? Moses Joshua Caleb Ehud None 9. Besides being a judge who other role did Deborah fill? Priestess Prophetess Sage Queen None 10. After his call from the angel of the Lord what did Gideon ask for? The shield of his father A sign Six talents of silver Food for his family None 11. When Jephthah returned to his home after battle, who came out to meet him? His wife His son His mother His daughter None 12. Who was the father of Samson? Hillel Manoah Joash Abdon None 13. Samson was set apart as a Prophet Warrior Nazirite Levite None 14. What special physical trait did Ehud have? He was blind in one eye He only one hand Judges Had six fingers and six toes Was left-handed None 15. How did Orpah and Ruth respond after Naomi’s request that they return to their people? They said, “We will never forget you and your sons” They said, “How can we ever leave you?” They said, “We will go back with you to your people” They said, “May the Lord bless you and keep you” None 16. Why does Boaz mention another guardian-redeemer of the family? He is more closely related and has first rights to marry Ruth He has a bigger estate for Ruth to benefit from Boaz is not interested in marrying Ruth He is the one who must decide who in their family Ruth marries None 17. Elimelech and his wife, Naomi, moved to which country? Edom Gilead Moab Aram None 18. What were the names of the two Moabite women Naomi’s sons married? Ruth and Marah Ruth and Orpah Ruth and Mariam Ruth and Abigail None 19. Where is Ruth originally from? Edom Moab Aram Ammon None 20. What is the name of Boaz and Ruth’s son? Jesse Perez Obed Salmon None 1 out of 1